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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some Letters I've Been Meaning to Write

I used to do this series when I revived this blog earlier last year, and for some reason unknown to me it sort of fell by the wayside.  Since I'm in a writing mood today I thought I'd bring it back! I mean why not, right?


Dear Finger,

Would you freaking heal already? Jesus.  I really thought this cactus spine was working its way out but you're still achy and red.  I really don't want to pay for deal with yet another ER visit.


Dear Sunshine,

I cannot get enough of you, seriously.  I don't know if it's because we have more trees in Maine, or what, but you just seem brighter in New Mexico. I'm in love.


Dear Robbie,

First off, thanks for the chocolate banana pancakes this morning, and thanks for dealing with the funk I fall into every Sunday.  I hate dreading the work week.


Dear Readers,

I know I apologized a million times, but I really hope that my post on blogging didn't offend anyone personally. That wasn't my intention, it was merely thoughts pouring out of my head.  I've been kind of paranoid about it all weekend.


Dear Santa Fe-ans,

What's with all the running of stop signs and red lights? I know there are a lot of both but seriously, guys.


Dear Train that runs through town,

Please, please, please make sure I keep just missing you.  #trainphobia #yesijusthashtaggedablogpost


Dear Shower Witch,





  1. LMAO, the last one is my favorite, by far! I love this series :)

  2. LOL! I love this post.

  3. dear caitlin: don't be paranoid about offending people. you have a good heart, the kind that doesn't offend people easily.

  4. Your letter to the Shower Witch cracked me up.

  5. Im gonna stay a little bit more longer then.


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