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Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Easter Weekend

So we've made it through our first holiday away from home (at least as adults...we spent many holidays away from home during the college/army days).  I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little sad being away from home, but I'm with Robbie and he's my home, so I can't complain.

Rob's schedule, as you know if you watched my vlog, is such that he works Sunday-Thursday, 9am-6pm, and has Friday and Saturday off.  This schedule will hold until he gets called out to a fire, at which point he can be called out for at most two weeks at a time.  It was nice having him home again on Friday and Saturday, but of course went by far too quickly. On Friday I worked while he spent some quality time with Le Chien (yeah, I'm wordly), and for the first time we had margaritas on the patio together which was just lovely. On Saturday we took a quickie trip to the ABQ to pick Rob up some new running shoes.  I was so excited when Rob suggested we get food and when he agreed to P.F. Chang's.  I'm a cheap date.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone AppUploaded from the Photobucket iPhone AppUploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

On Sunday Rob had to shuffle off to work and I had the day to myself, which actually has been pretty neat.  I ate a Cadbury Egg for breakfast and also made Rob one kick-ass Easter basket.  When he came home he told me that he had seen a coworker with Easter candy, and thought to himself, "I really hope Caitlin makes me an Easter basket.  I bet she did." What can I say, the man knows me well.

While Robbie was at work on Easter, I had a couple of drinks and totally "zenned out," as the kids say, on my patio.  It was a beautiful day, 63 or so with a slight breeze, and I was just really, really, really happy, sitting there in the sunshine, listening to music and thinking about how great my life is.  I know it's sappy but...I don't know. It was just really awesome and was exactly what I needed.

That evening we ate breakfast sandwiches with egg, bacon and pepper jack for dinner.  I mean come on, isn't that the perfect Easter dinner?  Eggs and pig meat?  Anyone?


So that was our weekend in a nutshell.  Pretty mellow but that's just how I like it.

Finally, Instagram is now for Android users too, eh? WELL THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD I GUESS. Kidding, I loved my Android, I just like my iPhone better because it runs on the hopes and dreams of children and the sadness crystals really do wonders for the processing speed. Anyway, if you like pictures of my hot-ass husband, my cute-ass dog, the view from our patio, alcohol, and gluten-free food, my Instagram username is tomakelovestay.


  1. Looks like a really nice, relaxing weekend. Shawn was working for Easter as well:( He comes home on Tuesday and I'm hoping to restrain myself from diving into his Easter basket!

    1. Haha I thought I'd be able to refrain from diving into it but nope, I had a ton of his Rolos and peanut butter eggs. Whatever, we're married...we share everything right?

  2. Looks like a pretty awesome day! I think I follow you on insyagram, I'm "rypeace" tho I've been slacking lately :)

    1. I think I do follow you but I'll check! I don't always check Instagram as religiously as I do other things.

  3. that does sound like a nice weekend. mine, on the other hand, was crazy busy (for me at leaat), but i'm coming to understand that that's how most people like their weekends. crazy. it's always better relaxing at home!

    1. Yep, our weekends are usually pretty nuts. This coming one should be relaxing...Robbie's getting paid this week so he told me he'd take me out for Indian! <3 you friend!

  4. no....the perfect easter dinner would have been a peep panini. i'm just sayin'.

    1. I responded with an Easter pick-up line to you on the tweeters.

  5. nice weekend ;) i have to admit, i love sitting around enjoying music and good weather with a few drinks. i can't exactly do that these days...they may call that child endagerment.

  6. The perfect sort of weekend, right down to the awesome Easter din-din. Congrats on achieving nirvana my friend!!


    1. Thank YOU for the kind words! :) It was pretty perfect. Hope you had a great weekend also!

  7. Sounds like a REALLY nice weekend! I wish I'd had more time to myself to be honest, or maybe that it had been nicer out so I could have zenned out too. I am jealous of Robbie's Easter basket. :)

    1. It is a pretty awesome Easter basket if I do say so myself :)

  8. Can I just say that I am super jealous that you live in Santa Fe? It's one of my favorite cities! I hope I live there some day. If you haven't already, you should check out the Kakawa chocolate shop. I think it's kind of near the Plaza. And the farmer's market is amazing.

  9. What'd you think of ABQ? We liked it pretty well but it wasn't our favorite city or anything. If I remember correctly, that's the only PFCs in New Mexico? I'm glad you had such a lovely Easter!

    1. As far as I know that's the only Chang. I told Rob that I will be making the trek down there when he's gone on fires for weeks at a time.

      ABQ is alright, but just from the news we see about it it's a pretty sketchy town. Lots of heroin, lots of meth, and lots of cops inexplicably shooting people. But I also am from Maine, where one person being murdered is statewide news.

  10. Here's what I say about your first sentence of this post: You are "home" now. Home is where the heart is. Home is what you make it. Home is wherever I'm with you....er wherever you're with Rob? Anyway you live there now, so take your heart with you and throw yourself into your new life or you may never feel completely content.

    1. That's kind of what I meant when I said "Rob is my home," I more meant that I miss being around my extended family because we all go crazy on Catholic holidays. But I see what you're saying :) Also I thought of the character in Joe Dirt who says "Homeiswhereyamakeit!"


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