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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Honestly Honest, v.2

I struggled over whether to do another of these posts after the first time.  Truth be told, when I write posts like this I'm afraid that I come across as kind of an attention whore...like, LOOK HOW REAL I AM PEOPLE.  Really, honestly, I just think I'm ridiculous and I enjoy sharing that with you good people.  At the risk of sounding obnoxiously insecure, I hope you don't misunderstand my intent.

Anyway the point of this post and its original post, if you didn't read that one, was to kind of bust up the typical "show only the good side on my blog" thing.  Not that I criticize those who choose to do this, I just enjoy being kind of gross.

That being said:

1. It's winter in Maine, which means I don't shave my pasty-ass legs.  To be honest, I've shaved them since this picture, but that's only because I have a tattoo coming up. Think this is TMI?  Be thankful I didn't show you my armpits.

Also, since I'm being honest: I have a better picture of the hairiness, but it showed my underwear on the floor, and that seemed a bit much.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

2. This is what my hair looks like after I shower:

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

3. This is what I look like when I shower at night and sleep on my hair:

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

4. We don't sweep as often as we should.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

5. This is as far as we have gotten in moving.  And we move in T-4 days.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

So how are YOU?  

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. hah this made me giggle.
    Real-ness fo' sho!

  2. ummm....you have the un-hairiest hairy leg i've EVER seen. for realz, dude. i'm really not sure you ever have to shave again! LOL. p.s. my floors look exactly the same at all times (even if I sweep every day...), covered in dog hairiness! ;o)

  3. I rarely ever shave (my legs) because my hair grows super duper slow! :P Also, your hair is kick ass. That's pretty much how mine will look when I wake up, except a little more on the shaggy side. XD

  4. Hahahaha. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Can we talk right now about how kick-ass your swoopy morning hair looks? It makes me want to cut my hair super-short just so I can have swoopy morning hair.

  6. Morning hair was my favorite thing about having short hair. It was so unpredictable!

  7. i totally understand the hair thing after you shower! i can't believe how high maintenance my short pixie cut can be if i sleep on it funny or sleep on it when it's wet!
    happy v-day!

  8. 1. i haven't shaved in weeks (or more) and since chris doesn't even see my legs under all the quilts when we get busy, i don't plan to shave any time soon!

    2. i like your slept on hair. i take a shower before i go to bed, so i have similar hair pretty often, only bigger.

    3. thanks for keeping it real. i hate reading fake blogs with fake people who are smiles every second of every day and married prince charming and live happily and hair-free. oh, and call me lovey when they don't know me. (mini rant there)

  9. when we moved to our newest house, it resembled yours right before the move as well. when my dad, brother, and father in law showed up on moving day, i set them to work shoving all our stuff into hefty bags. :-D

  10. i hate going to bed with wet hair haha. it's always a surprise when i wake up :)

  11. Love this! I totally hate moving. I love moving to a new place, but hate the process of packing. I always procrastinate as long as humanly possible and then shove everything in random boxes and bags with no order whatsoever. It's bad.

  12. I can't remember the last time I shaved my legs - my body hair is so fine and pale my boyfriend can't tell the difference. I might start again when it gets warm... Maybe... But only so I don't have to go all awkward and silent when people at work start comparing methods of hair removal.

    And the packing looks pretty under control to me. You should have seen the state of Steve's place the day before he moved in with me...!

  13. Haha, you are so brave and aren't you just so adorable when you wake up! I love bed hair-- probably the cutest thing everrrr.

    I live in FL so shaving my legs isn't really an option-- However, my hair is naturally very thin and light on my legs, so I don't have to worry too much if i forget for a few weeks.

    I haven't vacuumed in about 2 weeks and I have a tiny apartment with 3 cats-- it's not cute.

    ...and you better START PACKING GIRL! Moving is stressful enough as it is!

    I love these posts by the way!

  14. NOOO. I can't believe you leave in 4 days! Better start packing!

  15. LOL Caitlin these posts totally make me laugh out loud. You're the only girl I know who'll admit to the world "hey, it's winter, I am not shaving!" but we totally all do it!

    Also, you're moving in FOUR days?! Why did I think your move date was further than that?! Is it weird that I will actually miss having you only a few hours away even if we've never met? Good luck with the move :)

  16. Ha ha Caitlin I love this! And you're certainly not alone in any of those areas he he.

  17. oh you people who look gorgeous when you first wake up.

  18. new tattoo = jealous.
    meh, your adorable not matter the hair. and your floor looks like mine. gotta love pets. annnnd truth be told, when the hubs deploys for 12 months at a time, i tend to get a bit Sasquatch looking. now he's gone for a month so its not bad, but I'll be damned if I'm shaving while he's gone. F that.

  19. I'm pretty sure your first version of this post was the first thing I ever read on your blog, and I've read every post since then (stalker?). I love these. Check, check, check, I'm the same way on about all of these.

  20. I love how your hair looks when you just wake up! I kinda want to chop my hair off too, but I know it wouldn't look anywhere near as cute!!


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