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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Guest Post: Deanna & the Family Christmas Portrait

While Rob and I are on vacation in Florida I thought I'd share some awesome blog writers with you.  This is my first guest post extravaganza so I hope you enjoy!  Today's post is from Deanna from Delirious Rhapsody.  I just love Deanna, her blog, and her adorable family (especially son Gage, who says some of the darndest things indeed).  Plus, anyone who offers to include homemade porn in their guest post is alright by me (spoiler alert: there is no homemade porn).  


Hello there, fellow To Make Love-ians. I'm Deanna!

032 (Large)

I blog over at delirious rhapsody. I'm a stay at home mama of two crazy little boys, and my blog is all about my voyage to remain sanity throughout the monotony of SAHMotherhood. No, it's not actually that bad, because I do really love my kids a bunch. But some days, I do want to run headfirst, screaming, into a semi. And if you are a SAHM too, and think that it's all rainbows and unicorns every single day, well friend, you are lying to yourself. (I promise I'm not a bitter person. Just doing a little explaining about what my little blog is all about.) :-D I think I struggle sometimes because I never wanted kids to begin with. But life has a way of playing one crazy joke after another on you.


 I love to write. And it's always really flattering when someone asks me to write a guest post for them. Sometimes they are nice and give you a prompt. Sometimes they do not. (Ahem....Caitlin.) But I thought that since it's close to the holidays, and I keep seeing everyone's Holiday Card photoshoot posts show up in my reader, I would share our Christmas card outtakes from when my oldest son was 5 months old. 

 Let me set the scene for you: Like I said, my husband and I never wanted children. We were filling out papers to join the Peace Corps when I found out I was pregnant. Imagine our surprise. I never had a motherly bone in my body. I was terrified. How was I supposed to take care of something so small? I was clueless. So of course, come Christmastime, the husband and I decided that we would take a sweet family portrait. You know, to show everyone that we did know what we were doing. We could handle it. We weren't in over our heads. And this was the end result:


Here we have the dog terrorizing the cat, and our son, who looks like a proud citizen of Whoville.


Oh, how precious. In an attempt to get everyone's attention, it looks like my husband is giving 'the shocker.' 


Hey, look! We finally get everyone to look at the camera! Too bad the baby is ANGRY. And if case you were wondering what ended up on our Christmas cards, this next one was it. The true essence of our little family that year: 


Merry Christmas! Love, The Fikes