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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Every so often I see "confession" posts (like here and here) and I'm always amused by them.  After all, we each have our own little idiosyncrasies that we are loathe to admit, am I right?  I know I've had a lot of "look at how honest I am" posts but since I feel like I haven't blogged in 8 million years or so I thought I'd share some more weird Caitlin-things.

1. I hate my feet. Hate them. I don't even want to tell you why I hate them. Suffice it to say that I once told Rob that I would rather get a tattoo on my naked buttcheek than my bare foot just because of the embarrassment of having to show my foot to a tattoo artist.

2. Sometimes I pick my lips so badly they bleed.  Rob has tried various techniques to get me to stop this habit, the latest being mockery and shame, but so far nothing's really worked.  He told me a few weeks ago that my lip "looked like the surface of Jupiter." Ah, marriage.

3. One of the things I'm most excited about when we move to New Mexico is being near a Target.  I have never lived in an easy driving distance to Target.

4. I have a serious fear of money. I'm terrified of losing financial security or getting into debt.  In my head if my bank account goes below a certain amount I get stressed and worried.  Yet I still find the ability to make stupid impulse buys.

5. When I get really nervous, I'll grab the extra skin on my ribs and pull at it.

6. I look like a kidnapped 7-year-old hipster today, and if you follow me on Instagram you already knew that:

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

7. I am terrified of this move.  I'm afraid of completely losing it and not getting everything done in time and spending all of our hard-earned savings. 

8. My husband is hotter than I am.  Why a 9 fell in love with a "normal 6, drunk 7"* I'll never know.

*30 Rock reference, for those of you who didn't catch it.

9. I'm currently dealing with a massive inferiority complex when it comes to my blog.

10. The only reason I created a number 10 was because I didn't want to end on an odd number, especially my least favorite odd number.


  1. hahah you're awesome! loved reading this about you. we all have our little oddities, it's what makes you YOU! XOXO

  2. I started biting my bottom lip after I read bullet point number two. Thanks, pal.

  3. I bite my lips too :/ ahhh it drives me crazy, but I just can't stop! Loved your confession post :)

  4. I love 30 Rock! And I used to bite my nails until they bled. I stopped when I took micro biology and learned how disgusting under your nails are, and my teacher also told my class a story from when he used to do lab testing at a hospital. Long story short, a girl came in with a burst appendix and when they pulled it out, it was full of her chewed finger nails. BARF. So yeah. I don't chew my nails anymore. I do bite the insides of my lips and cheeks when I drive though. Nervous habit.

  5. i have an inferiority complex when it comes to my blog sometime too. i think that it really bothers me when 'famous' bloggers just root for other 'famous' bloggers. why can't they just be friends with us little guys too? another thing that really gets my goat is how some of these 'famous' bloggers have absolutely no content in their blogs. i just don't get it. and sometimes i just think, "screw it." i get so tired of it all feeling like high school all over again.

  6. I pick my lips too! Ugh I quit for a brief while but it's so addictive. I managed to stop biting my nails, but that bad habit just transferred itself to my lips. Clinique All About Lips is a pricey but fast remedy, but I usually pick them again a few days later.

  7. Love these confession posts. And your blog is AWESOME...no more of the inferiority stuff. :) Oh and the 7 year old hipster comment cracked me up...why kidnapped?? LOL

  8. So as far as the inferiority complex thing goes, mine kind of went away now that I don't ever read other blogs. So that's an option. HA. I just read the ones I remember off the top of my head. I've gone from reading 100+ blogs to reading maybe 4 and not consistently...

  9. I love you, girl. *sigh*

    Where to start? Let's see. You will quickly develop a love/hate relationship with Target. You will LOVE everything in it but you will HATE what it does to your bank account, referencing #4. I can totally relate to #7. We've moved a bazillion times and I get super anxious before every single one. You're ridiculous regarding #9. I LOVE your blog in every way. And #10? LOVE it the most. :)

  10. For lack of better verbiage, I'm "guilty" of at least five of these. I enjoyed the "30 Rock" reference. There aren't enough of those in my opinion. In fact, one of my confessions might be that I wish Kenneth was my best friend, or at least in my life in some capacity. :)

  11. LOL. I love your confessions. I don't like my feet, either. I have short fat toes that don't go with the rest of my feet. And I have practically no toenails except for my big toe. And that's not my imagination either because every time I go to the nail salon, the pedicurist actually MAKES FUN of the lack of toe-nail-age in existence. And then I have to be like, "Oh, yeah, haha! I know! I have no toe nails!" even though inside, I'm crying. Wow. I've never told anyone that. How did you DO that?

  12. "the latest being mockery and shame..."
    haahahahaha, yes, totally, mine and hubby's current 'motivational' tools

  13. danged blog inferiority complexes.
    i love your blog. feel ye not inferior.

  14. Ha ha - I'm right with you on a bunch of these (especially the secret bank balance alarm). For what it's worth, your blog is one of the ones which makes me feel more confident about just being myself in mine rather than trying to fit into one of the standard cutesy moulds.

  15. Ooooo you will LOVE living near a Target. It's the best thing EVER. Will change your life. (o;

    Your blog is awesome. I like to keep coming back to read it. Just sayin'.

  16. Oh Caitlin, haha THIS is the reason I love you and your blog. You are so full of random and you and Rob are actually hilarious. Seriously. Surface of Jupiter? Just lovely ;)

    BUT SERIOUSLY stop being so darn hard on yourself! No more inferiority complexes please! You're too darn cute and I love your blog too much for that.

    That is all. :)

  17. Dude, I do the exact same thing with my lips. Chew, bite, bleed, ouch! It's such a bad nervous habit. It definitely makes lipstick a non-option (unless I want my lips to look like an exposed brick wall on my face). Okay, that's enough. I always enjoy a good confession post.

  18. But your blog is great. Don't even stress.

  19. This is awesome! I have the same habit of picking at my lips... Justin (my boyfriend) alternates between moving my hand away, asking "WHAT are you doing?" in a stern voice, and forcing his chapstick on me, haha. I'd also like to agree with the above comments and say that your blog is awesome and has been one of my favorites since I found it (I just forget to comment a lot xD) :D


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