Lately I've sort of rediscovered the Santa Fe sunset.
Being from a gorgeous place like Maine, I've developed the habit of getting used to beautiful scenery. I grew up on a pristine lake without a car or airplane in sight; my dad likes to tell the story about how when we'd hear a car drive by we would all run to the road-facing side of the house, excited to see who on earth had made their way four miles down to the end of our dirt road. When people hear about where I come from and say something like, "I bet that was beautiful," I am more likely than not to say, "yeah, I suppose so" with an air of awesomeness because I got over that beauty a long damn time ago.
I've done the same thing with the view from my patio, a view that encompasses all of Santa Fe, and the gorgeous sunsets that fill the sky here. It isn't intentional, but I've slowly begun to realize that it's a symptom of my broader tendency to avoid living in the moment in favor of worrying about, well, everything else.
The other day Cypress and I were taking a walk and I turned around to notice the absolutely stunning sunset behind me, which I showed you in my last post. I took a moment, breathing in the crisp fall air, and watched the sun fall slowly behind the horizon. I can't remember the last time I did that, and I can't tell you how fucking awesome it felt. I wasn't thinking about anything else other than how amazing it is that the sun rises and sets every day, and that we're all here sharing this totally random experience together at the total mercy of the earth and the sun. For someone who is constantly caught up in minutiae rather than the truly important things, this was a pretty damn awesome feeling.
Enough of the schmaltzy stuff, we all knew that this post was an excuse to show you more sunset pictures, am I right?