Oil paintings on pennies. (via Liz)
A man experiences (a realistic simulation of) childbirth. (via my ma on Facebook)
A Love Story in 22 Pictures. This was absolutely beautiful, I totally teared up.
Some awesome Facebook Timeline cover photos. (via Cassandra)
How to explain different TV shows to different people.
Sad Impersonators.
How to tell if you're at a hipster wedding.
Lucille Bluth and Mitt Romney meet in this amazing Tumblr.
So dorky but I REALLY want to try this.
I shared this a year ago but it's great--a photography project called Created Equal.
Artist Takes Different Drug Every Day and Draws His Self-Portrait. (via Amie on Facebook)
Musicians' Portraits Made of Their Own CDs.
I kind of want this inspiration pad. Anyone want to buy it for me?
Awesome author quote posters.
Free eBooks.