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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Check out this photography project: Split Family Faces.

I bought an awesome pink collar with skulls on it for Cypress at this shop.

Check out some of these high school fashions from the late 1960s.

This definitely kept me entertained for a good 30 seconds.

How awesome are these robot matryoshki? I want to buy them as prints.
(Thanks Lindsay!)

Someday Rob and I will throw a Super Mario Party.

I sure could use one of these in real life. A "Make Everything OK" button.

Jot down some virtual notes with this awesome site.

Not totally sure what this is but it creeps me out. And it's gorgeous. All at the same time.

This also creeps me out.

How about some elegant fonts?

Minor Differences, Part 4 - from The Oatmeal

Hope you are all having an amazing Thursday.


  1. I saw that face project on Notcot last night, very cool/weird!

  2. i love the face project. so weird and cool!


  3. Well, that picture looks like fish but...maybe not?

  4. HOLY EFF those girls' tights in the 60s fashion are SO COOL.

  5. whaaaat! those split family faces are done so well it's creepy! but how cool :)

  6. Just found your blog and am looooving it. Newest follower here!

  7. I looked at all of those split face photos and man are they weird and fascinating!

  8. That picture is BIZARRE! Off to check out a few of these links, happy Friday!

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway today, you should come check it out!

  9. I love these. You always find so many hilarious things.

  10. I must have a Super Mario Party asap!!


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