I started writing this post earlier today and bam, the power went out. Of course we'd have our first 3-hour-long power outage the one day we need to wash and dry all of our clothes in preparation for packing. Hopefully it isn't a sign of how the trip will go from here, RIGHT?!
Well I made it back from Boston in one piece, except for the fact that I might've broken my neck trying to sleep on the plane. Funny story: since I've spent so much time on planes, I've actually developed the ability to sleep through my neck thrashing and falling around. Instead of waking up I wake up after an hour or so in a lot of neck pain. Fun trade off, right? I also believe that I've accidentally leaned my head on my seat-neighbor's shoulder before, and leaned my entire torso into the aisle as well.
Needless to say, I bought a fancy-pants neck pillow for our transcontinental flight tomorrow. Unfortunately it's a children's neck pillow (as evidenced by its swirly butterfly pattern) but I'm hoping it'll do the trick even despite my massive head.
In Boston I taught a couple of classes on, well, building classes actually. They went well other than the fact that one of the participants gave me a "good" instead of an "excellent" on my evaluation and as my fellow perfectionists can attest, it was a bit hard for me to swallow. Pretty crazy, I know, but thaaaat's Caitlin!
The awesome thing about going to Boston though, of course, was seeing and staying with my sister Megan. We had a few drinks (as usual) and also got to have a really yummy Indian food lunch with some clients (one really great aspect of our jobs).
We leave for the Denver airport tomorrow morning bright and early (like seriously, 2:30am early). From Denver we fly to Boston and then, finally, to Dublin. We spent all day today packing and shopping to prepare. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly because or else I might totally lose it.
But no matter what happens, we're heading off to Ireland for 9 days and it's so fucking awesome that that's happening, I can hardly even tell you. I can't wait to experience such an amazing place with my favorite person in the whole world.
I'm sure I'll be around here during our trip because I doubt I'll be able to resist posting all the photos I'll be taking. I hope you all have a wonderful week, and be thinking of me shivering in rainy 50-degree Ireland weather!