What are you guys up to this weekend? Tonight Robbie and I are visiting some friends for dinner and RiffTrax. Having adult friends for the win!
On Saturday we're planning on hiking in Taos, a ski town about an hour and a half from here. The aspens are hitting their peak so it should make for some lovely photos WHICH I'M SURE I'LL SHARE WITH YOU GUYS because what else is a blog for right?
On Sunday we're taking a trip to Albuquerque so Rob can get tattooed and so I can stuff my face with P.F. Chang's and martinis. Should be a rollicking good time.
It's been really weird getting used to having Rob around all the time again. It feels like summer was years and years ago, especially since I haven't seen Natalie in a month and I haven't seen Lindsey in weeks. I find myself vacillating between distancing myself emotionally and being extra-clingy, which luckily he's pretty used to. This is one of the many reasons I'm happy I married the bastard.
Last night we hung out outside for hours in front of a roaring fire in our fire pit, along with pumpkiny s'mores, new Mumford & Sons and Green Day music, great company, and spiked cider. I just love sitting outside with my favorite person, gazing out over our "new" hometown and enjoying each other's presence. SO LOVEY AND RIDICULOUS.
Wow, guys, this was SUPER BORING. I'm coming down off of a super tweaky Monster energy high and can barely get my thoughts in line...I hope you guys still love me.
Have a great weekend, friends!