You Rather: A Game of Preference. Warning: this is super addicting.
Wouldn't it be great if we had footage of Mitt Romney denouncing his own newly-adopted pro-life agenda? OH WAIT.
What Can Mississippi learn from Iran? - I don't know how anyone could read this article and still believe that the US should not have universal healthcare.
I like this post about not censoring yourself. (via Suzy)
This is how Olympic divers really look while diving. (Yeah, I know, the Olympics are over, whatevs)
Sculptures Popping Out of Paintings.
Awesome art school ads.
23 Things We Should Just Forget about the 90s.
Disasterland: Disney Characters in Adult Situations. (via Nova)
Love this Tumblr - Kate Middleton for the Win. I think it's so hilarious because Kate Middleton is so clearly awesome and sweet.
Photoshopped Celebrity "Make-Unders".
5 Ways to Save Some Fucking Money.
9 Lists to Keep Updated, and Keep Handy.
I liked this letter from a professor taking his students to task for "religious bigotry."
Monstrous Discrepancies.
Epic Video Game Movie Posters.
Netflix envelope art.
53 Arrested Development Jokes You Probably Missed.